Wash and Fold Laundry Delivery Service in Stamford, CT

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Please enter a US ten digit phone number. Digits only, no dashes required.

How it Works

Get the laundry done in a few easy steps:
#1) SIGN-UP: Confirm your pickup address and create your account.

#2) Make the Order: Make an order and choose a day/time for your pickup & delivery. Subscribe for monthly service to make an order auto-create each week.

#3) PICK-UP: Package your dirty laundry in trash bags and give to our driver. We'll give you a reusable bag with a monthly subscription.

#4) DELIVERY: Receive your freshly clean and folded laundry same day or next day.

Simple Pricing at $1.75 per lb

with pickup and delivery included

With Soapbox Laundry, you pay for exactly what you give us. Enjoy pick-up, quick turnaround and delivery for $1.75 per lb. In addition to our popular wash & fold service we offer drycleaning. We're your one-stop-shop for all your laundry needs! From clothing to comforters; we wash it all.

  • Simple per pound flat-rate pricing
  • Pack your laundry in plastic bags for pick-up
  • Pick up and drop off included
  • All items will be washed, dried, and folded
  • Same day or next day service
  • Includes name brand detergents

Schedule Ahead

Choose your day & time for pickup/delivery

Soapbox Laundry runs on YOUR time, not our time. We offer laundry pick up and delivery 7 days a week. Choose a time slot that works for you and we'll be there! Orders can be scheduled online via our customer portal or through the Soapbox Laundry mobile app.

Laundromat Location

Self-service with abundant machines and low cost

You NEED to do laundry, but what you really WANT to do is watch TV, surf the net or play video games. We give you what you want! At our stores, we pamper you with all the comforts of home while you take care of your dirty work. Remember, we are not your typical Laundromat!
First of all, our stores are clean. Really clean. Second, we feature only state-of-the-art Wascomat machines, environmentally-conscious commercial grade washers and dryers. Thirdly, our machines not only accept coins but they accept credit cards and our loyalty cards. And that’s just the beginning…

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?
Getting the laundry done with Soapbox is as easy! Just follow these steps: #1) Confirm we serve your address by entering it in the search box, on the first page of this website #2) Sign up for service and place an order online or via our mobile app #3) Give your dirty laundry to our driver #4) Receive your clean & folded laundry That's it!
What areas do you serve?
We offer service in and around Fairfield County. Please see our locations page to see if we come to your home or workplace.
View more FAQs

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